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The climbing at Crazy Horse Buttress is long, and access to some of the best climbing depends on the length of your rope. The majority of routes are more than 25 meters.

A 60-meter rope is necessary to have full access to Crazy Horse. You can descend from every multi-pitch route with a single 60-meter rope. On really long routes, this means stopping half-way down, pulling your rope, and rappeling/abseiling to the ground.

A 70-meter rope will allow you to link up multi-pitch routes, giving you access to long and stunning climbing that will leave your forearms screaming as you reach for the anchors.

For those who are truly dedicated, an 80-meter rope will allow you single-pitch access to the entire crag.

CMRCA carries Sterling Ropes in 60-, 70-, and 80-meter lengths at highly competitive prices.


We value safety at Crazy Horse. All routes are bolted for climbers who are at their limit at that grade.

15 quickdraws is ideal for Crazy Horse. You can get by with 12, but you will most likely have to skip some bolts to do it. 20 quickdraws will help if you choose to link two pitches together or switch leads with your partner.

We recommend you carry a handful of longer draws in your rack as longer routes often meander, and sometimes formations such as tufas and roofs create rope drag.


The climbing at Crazy Horse is on limestone, often with small edges and pockets. A performance velcro shoe is ideal although slippers also perform well. Shoes designed for very steep climbing are not recommended, as the climbing at Crazy Horse tends to be mostly vertical or slightly overhanging. CMRCA is a proud distributor of Mad Rock and Evolv climbing shoes, so we can provide you with the best friction at the lowest prices.


You will need a lot of chalk in Thailand, especially in the hotter and wetter months (April to September). Thankfully, there is plenty of chalk available here. CMRCA carries Mad Rock Addiction Chalk in blocks, bags, and balls. We also stock chalk bags, which can make a great souvenir!


A rope bag is recommended to keep dust and dirt off your rope. CMRCA sells rope bags with huge tarps that provide incredible ground coverage. Helmets are recommended on routes in the caves as well as at newly developed areas. Most of the highly trafficked routes are relatively clean. Please remember that it is always safer to climb with a helmet.