C Cubed Community Crank is a Complete Success!


The Chiang Mai Climbing Community (C^3) was out in force on Saturday for the “C Cubed Community Crank,” the first in a series of fun bouldering competitions at CMRCA!  Three hours of full-on crankin’ on the 25 new routes set by CMRCA instructors Add, Ooan, and Muad were followed by a delicious pad thai feast and distribution of some sweet prizes.

Congratulations to everyone who competed, from “Rising Stars” to “Crank Masters.”  A special shoutout to the overall male and female winners, Uthit Yodkhaman (Sorn) and Ilona Plankensteiner.

The routes are still up, and will be for a while, so come back as soon as your fingers have healed and get back on that problem you just couldn’t send.  Keep climbing and stay tuned for the next comp, now scheduled for early September!

Big thanks to our sponsors, who donated some awesome prizes: Rock and Ice Magazine, Flight of the Gibbon, Chiang Mai Mountain Biking, Siam River Adventures, Khun Kha Massage, and Wee’s Restaurant.