Off the Beaten Path

This week was our annual CMRCA staff retreat! On Wednesday we packed our bags and headed out to explore Chiang Dao. We had an outstanding two days setting goals for 2016 and coming together as a family.
Ninety five kilometers north of Chiang Mai, sits a small green creek that twists itself through undisturbed woods and quiet farmland. We arrived here, anxious, excited, and unaware of the challenges that lay before us. While some of us were avid kayakers, others had never stepped foot in water.  Nevertheless, everyone put on their lifejackets and headed downstream. For the next few hours we were floating (and capsizing) on the mighty Mae Taeng river.
The next day was filled with games and activities that forced us to work together. This gave us an opportunity to grow as individuals and as a family.
While the retreat was fun and relaxing, it definitely pushed us out of our comfort zones. Overall, we had an incredible time laughing, learning, and preparing for the year ahead.